As Netia decided to withhold from providing an English version of its website, these of the company Followers who would be interested in subscribing Netia reports in Polish are kindly requested to register in the box below
Conference call on Netia’s 3Q 2014 results and Strategy 2020 update: November 6, 2014
20 October 2014
Netia SA, Poland's largest alternative provider of fixed-line telecommunications services, released its 3Q 2014 financial results and update to its Strategy 2020 prior to the opening of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on Thursday, November 6, 2014.
1H 2014 results release date: August 28, 2014
28 August 2014
Netia SA will release its 1H 2014 financial results prior to the opening of the Warsaw Stock Exchange on Thursday, August 28, 2014.
AGM convened for May 21, 2014 at 12.00 CET
21 May 2014
The Management Board of Netia convenes for 21 May 2014 (Wednesday) at 12:00 an annual general meeting of the Company to be held in Warsaw at ul. Taśmowa 7a, 02-677 Warsaw.
Citi's 14th Annual European & Emerging Telecoms Conference
20 March 2014
Netia will attend The Citi's 14th Annual European & Emerging Telecoms Conference in London on March 20, 2014
Netia roadshow for international institutional investors, Frankfurt and Paris
18 March 2014
Netia roadshow for international institutional investors, Frankfurt and Paris, March 18-19, 2014
Netia's GPW ratings
29 July 2021
Stock quotes
Rate | 6,94 zł |
Change | 0,00 % |
Volume | 1,005 |
Value | 6 tys. zł |
share capital
Netia Investor Relations
Artur Łukasiewicz
Pełnomocnik Zarządu ds. Relacji Inwestorskich, Strategii oraz Fuzji i Przejęć
phone [48] 22 352 26 74