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19 March 2007

Information regarding the purchase and sale of Netia’s shares (by an entity affiliated with the Chairperson of the supervisory board of Netia)

WARSAW, Poland – March 19, 2007 – Netia SA (“Netia” or the “Company”) (WSE: NET), Poland’s largest alternative provider of fixed-line telecommunications services, today announced that on March 19, 2007 it received the notification from a proxy of the Chairperson of Netia’s supervisory board (the “SB Chairperson”), informing about the following purchase and sale transactions of Netia’s shares, executed by UniCredit CA IB Polska SA (the “Controlled Entity”), an entity in which the SB Chairperson is a member of the management body:

  • On March 13, 2007, the Controlled Entity purchased 6,222 ordinary bearer shares of the Company at the price equal to PLN 4.24 per one share,
  • On March 14, 2007, the Controlled Entity sold 6,222 ordinary bearer shares of the Company at the price equal to PLN 4.15 per one share.

The transactions mentioned above were executed during the trading sessions at the Warsaw Stock Exchange.

Legal basis:
Section 160 of the Act on Trading In the Financial Instruments dated 29 July 2005 (Journal of Laws. 2005, No. 183, item 1538).