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10 November 2009

Changes to Netia’s statute were registered in court (52/2009)

WARSAW, Poland –November 10, 2009 – Netia SA (“Company” or “Netia”) (WSE: NET), Poland’s largest alternative provider of fixed-line telecommunications services, today announced that on October 28, 2009 the Polish court registered the changes to Netia’s statute as adopted by its extraordinary shareholders meeting on October 6, 2009 (see Netia’s press release No 46/2009 dated October 6, 2009).

I. Below Netia presents the previous and the currently binding wording of the statute’s provisions.

1. Previous provisions of § 11 of the Company’s statute:

General Meetings of the Shareholders shall be convened by publishing convocation announcements for the shareholders in Monitor Sądowy i Gospodarczy.”

The currently binding provision of §11 of the Company’s statute:

The General Meetings of the Shareholders shall be convened by an announcement on the company’s website and in the manner defined for disclosing current information in compliance with the relevant regulations governing public offering and the terms of introducing financial instruments to organised trading and on public companies or otherwise as will be provided in a relevant time and on relevant conditions as provided by applicable provisions of law.”

2. Previous provisions of § 14 of the Company’s statute:

1. The Shareholders may participate in the General Meeting of the Shareholders and exercise their right to vote in person or through proxies. Members of the Management Board of the Company and the Company’s employees may not act as proxies at the General Meeting of the Shareholders.
2. The General Shareholders’ Meeting may adopt the By-Laws of the General Shareholders’ Meeting which specify the rules governing the operation of the General Shareholders’ Meeting.”

The currently binding provision of §14 of the Company’s statute

1. The Shareholders may participate in the General Meeting of the Shareholders and exercise their right to vote in person or through proxies.
2. The General Meeting of the Shareholders may adopt the by-laws of the General Meeting of the Shareholders which specify the rules governing the operation of the General Meeting of the Shareholders.
3. The Shareholders may participate in the General Meeting of the Shareholders via electronic communications means. The Management Board of the Company is authorized to determine the detailed rules of such manner of shareholder participation in the General Meeting of the Shareholders including the requirements and restrictions necessary to identify the shareholders and provide safety of electronic communication.”

3. Previous provisions of §16.3 sec. e) of the Company’s statute:

“e) making any investments in or financing the activities of companies whose core and actual
scope of business activity does not include telecommunications activity, as well as investing in
or financing the activities of UNI-Net Sp. z o.o. with its registered seat in Warsaw;”

The currently binding provision of §16.3 sec. e) of the Company’s statute:

“e) making any investments in or financing the activities of companies whose core and actual
scope of business activity does not include telecommunications activity;”

II. The unified Statute incorporating the above changes is attached.