
As Netia decided to withhold from providing an English version of its website, these of the company Followers who would be interested in subscribing Netia reports in Polish are kindly requested to register in the box below

04 June 2014

An amendment to the current report No. 40/2014 dated June 2, 2014 (40/2014/K)

The Management Board of Netia SA (“Company” or “Netia”) (WSE: NET), Poland’s largest alternative provider of fixed-line telecommunications services, hereby makes an amendment to the current report No. 40/2014 dated June 2, 2014. In the abovementioned report it was mistakenly indicated that on June 2, 2014 the Supervisory Board of Netia granted stock options to Mr. Adam Sawicki, the recently appointed President of the Management Board and Chief Executive Officer, while the report should state, that in accordance with a resolution of the Supervisory Board of Netia dated May 17, 2014 on granting a stock options to Mr. Adam Sawicki, a grant of stock options to Mr Adam Sawicki became effective with the commencement of a performance of his duties as Chief Executive Officer of the Company on June 2, 2014. The other part of the report remains unchanged.