
As Netia decided to withhold from providing an English version of its website, these of the company Followers who would be interested in subscribing Netia reports in Polish are kindly requested to register in the box below


05 October 2012

Share Buy-Back Program between 28 September and 04 October 2012 (91/2012)


02 October 2012

Information on sale of Netia shares by a person having permanent access to inside information (90/2012)


02 October 2012

Information on sale of Netia shares by management board member and acquisition of Netia shares by a person closely related with the management board member (89/2012)


28 September 2012

Share Buy-Back Program between 21 September and 27 September 2012 (88/2012)


21 September 2012

Information on sale of Netia shares by a person having permanent access to inside information (87/2012)

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Netia's GPW ratings

29 July 2021
Stock quotes
Rate6,94 zł
Change0,00 %
Value6 tys. zł
show on chart
share capital

Netia Investor Relations

Artur Łukasiewicz
Pełnomocnik Zarządu ds. Relacji Inwestorskich, Strategii oraz Fuzji i Przejęć
phone [48] 22 352 26 74 artur.lukasiewicz@netia.pl