As Netia decided to withhold from providing an English version of its website, these of the company Followers who would be interested in subscribing Netia reports in Polish are kindly requested to register in the box below
Information on withholding from the rule of Best Practices
Information on withholding from following the rule of part II point 2 of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies (EBI Report No. 2/2015)
The Management Board of Netia S.A. (hereinafter referred to as “Netia” or “Company”) informs that from October 14, 2015 the Company permanently withholds from following the rule of part II point 2 of the Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies („Best Practices”) requiring from the Company to provide an English version of the Company’s website in the scope indicated in part II point 1 of the Best Practices, including the Company’s investor relations' website.
Netia indicates, that the decision on withholding from the indicated rule is justified by the optimisation of the costs related to the providing of an English version of its website. The Company informs that it will continue to present on its website an English version of the commercial information related to its business activity. In Netia’s opinion the limitation of the website’s translation will not have negative influence on its relations with the Company’s stakeholders.
Legal Basis
§ 29 sec. 3 of the Stock Regulation in the wording established by the Resolution No 1/1110/2006 of the Stock Council of January 4, 2006, with amendments.