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01 October 2007

Netia introduces lower fixed-to-mobile rates

As of October 1, 2007, Netia introduces new lower prices for fixed-to-mobile (FtM) connections in all new tariff plans for both individual and business clients. The price for a one-minute connection to Orange, Era and Plus GSM networks is PLN 0.51 (PLN 0.62 inclusive of VAT), the price for a connection to the Play network is to PLN 0.68 (PLN 0.83 inclusive of VAT).

‘Netia lowers its FtM rates for all individual and business clients. We have taken this decision because we know that these connections are of great importance to our clients, especially from SOHO and SME sectors. In accordance with our strategy, small and medium-sized companies are our key clients and we plan to significantly increase their number,’ says Piotr Czapski, Strategy and Business Development Director.