A candidate to the Supervisory Board proposed by a Shareholder (OFE PZU 'Złota Jesień')

Netia’s management board published below the professional CV of Mr. Mirosław Godlewski, a candidate for an independent Supervisory Board member of Netia, received by the Company. The candidate was proposed by the investment fund Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU 'Złota Jesień' represented by Powszechne Towarzystwo Emerytalne PZU SA.

In the opinion of the proposing shareholder, professional career of the candidate assures proper execution of duties of a Supervisory Board member. In accordance with a statement received by PTE PZU, Mr. Mirosław Godlewski agreed to candidate and serve on the Supervisory Board of the Company effective September 1, 2014, i.e., a day following the date of terminating employment contract between Mr. Mirosław Godlewski and Netia SA.

Professional CV of Mr. Mirosław Godlewski is attached in an annex below.